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Bipartisan fury from Lawmakers Over Afghanistan Withdrawal

President Biden’s unapologetic defense on Monday of his decisions in Afghanistan rallied some Democrats to his side, but the president still faces angry and increasingly public criticism from lawmakers in both parties over the chaos descending on Kabul.

After leaving the White House largely undefended, some Democratic leaders voiced tentative support after the speech.

“President Biden understands history when it comes to Afghanistan,” said Senator Richard J. Durbin of Illinois, a member of Democratic leadership. “He made the difficult decision to not hand over this longest of American wars to a fifth president, and had he walked away from the withdraw agreement originally negotiated by President Trump, Taliban attacks on U.S. forces would have restarted and required yet another surge in U.S. troops.”

But other lawmakers were unmollified. Many moderate Democrats remained furious at the Biden administration for what they saw as terrible planning for the evacuation of Americans and their allies. Liberal Democrats who have long sought to end military engagements around the world still grumbled that the images out of Kabul were damaging their cause.

And Republicans who months ago cheered for former President Donald J. Trump’s even faster timetable to end U.S. military involvement in the nation’s longest war have shoved their previous encouragements aside to accuse Mr. Biden of humiliating the nation.

If Mr. Biden expected the bipartisan consensus on withdrawal from Afghanistan to protect him from criticism, he will most likely remain disappointed — at least for now.

“We didn’t need to be in this position; we didn’t need to be seeing these scenes at Kabul airport with our Afghan friends climbing a C-17,” said Representative Jason Crow, Democrat of Colorado and a former Army Ranger who served in Afghanistan. “We should have started this evacuation months ago.”

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“They had weeks of opportunity. They had an amazing coalition of liberal and conservative lawmakers who were willing to support the administration in this effort,” Mr. Moulton, who serves on the Armed Services Committee, continued. “In my mind this was not just a national security mistake, but a political mistake, too.”

Mr. Biden’s televised address, in which he pledged not to expend more American lives “to fight on endlessly in another country’s civil war,” did assuage some Democrats.

“Thank you President Biden for learning from past mistakes and for clearly articulating the costs of endless war,” Representative Ilhan Omar, Democrat of Minnesota, said on Twitter.

Finding few vocal defenders earlier in the day, administration aides had distributed talking points to congressional Democrats to bolster the president’s position.

The administration said the collapse of the Afghan government and the ensuing chaos were not indictments of U.S. policy but proof that the only way to forestall disaster would have been to ramp up the American troop presence. And answering critics who say the president was caught flat-footed, the talking points stated: “The administration knew that there was a distinct possibility that Kabul would fall to the Taliban. It was not an inevitability. It was a possibility.”

Taliban Takeover in

By: Catie Edmondson
Title: Lawmakers Unite in Bipartisan Fury Over Afghanistan Withdrawal
Sourced From: www.nytimes.com/2021/08/16/us/politics/afghanistan-withdrawal-congress.html
Published Date: Tue, 17 Aug 2021 01:36:23 +0000

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