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Republicans block a Second Voting Rights Bill from the Senate

WASHINGTON — Senate Republicans on Wednesday blocked legislation to restore parts of the landmark Voting Rights Act weakened by Supreme Court rulings, making it the second major voting bill to be derailed by a G.O.P. filibuster in the past two weeks.

Despite receiving majority support, the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, named for the civil rights activist and congressman who died last year, fell nine votes short of the 60 required to advance over Republican opposition.

In the aftermath of the defeat, Senate Democrats said they would intensify internal discussions about altering filibuster rules or making other changes to allow them to move forward on voting rights legislation despite deep resistance by Republicans, who have now thwarted four efforts to take up such measures.

“Just because Republicans will not join us doesn’t mean Democrats will stop fighting,” said Senator Chuck Schumer, Democrat of New York and the majority leader, after the vote. “We will continue to fight for voting rights and find an alternative path forward.”

Before the vote, according to a senior Democratic aide, Mr. Schumer convened a meeting with moderate Democratic senators to strategize over their next moves on voting rights and how to proceed with “family discussions” to find a way around the Republican opposition. Those attending included Democratic Senators Tim Kaine of Virginia and Jon Tester of Montana, and Angus King, independent of Maine. Mr. Schumer has also been consulting with civil rights leaders.

The measure blocked on Wednesday is aimed at reinvigorating voting protections against discrimination at the ballot box that have been struck down by the Supreme Court.

ImageVice President Kamala Harris speaks to the press outside of the Senate Chamber after Senate Republicans defeated a procedural vote on the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act.Credit...Pete Marovich for The New York TimesA major goal of the bill is to again require jurisdictions with a history of discrimination to win prior approval — or “preclearance” — from the Justice Department or federal courts in Washington before changing their voting rules. The Supreme Court invalidated that requirement in its 2013 decision in Shelby County v. Holder. The bill also seeks to bolster safeguards against discriminatory election practices that were limited this year by the court’s ruling in Brnovich v. Democratic National Committee.

“We wouldn’t be dealing with some of these terrible, draconian measures in Georgia right now if preclearance were on the books,” said Senator Raphael Warnock, a Democrat. He was referring to his home state, which has seen new voting restrictions imposed by Republicans after his victory in January and President Biden’s win in November. “And so, let’s get this done.”

Considered the crown jewel of civil rights legislation, the Voting Rights Act traditionally enjoyed broad bipartisan support after its enactment in 1965 and was renewed under a succession of Republican presidents, most recently in 2006 on a Senate vote of 98 to 0. But just one Republican senator, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, joined all 50 Democrats in voting to open debate on a compromise measure that also has the support of Senator Joe Manchin III, Democrat of West Virginia, who helped negotiate the new version.

ImageIn Georgia, home state of Senator Raphael Warnock, a Democrat, new voting restrictions have been imposed by Republicans after his victory in January and President Biden’s win in November.Credit...Stefani Reynolds for The New York Times“Nothing is more fundamental than the right to vote,” Ms. Murkowski said Wednesday before the vote. She urged lawmakers to put aside differences to try to work on consensus legislation that would maintain public trust in the election process.

“Let’s stop the show votes but give ourselves the space to work cooperatively across the aisle,” she said. The measure incorporates provisions intended to improve ballot access for Native Americans, an important constituency for Ms. Murkowski.

The John Lewis measure is distinct from an earlier voting rights measure, the Freedom to Vote Act, which Republicans have thrice thwarted through filibusters, most recently in October. That measure set new voting standards meant to counter Republican-led efforts around the country to impose voting restrictions that Democrats regard as efforts to limit voting in minority communities. No Republican supported bringing that measure to the floor.

“The Freedom to Vote Act puts the fire out in this 911 state of emergency in our democracy,” Mr. Warnock said. “The John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act is about building a fire station for future fires.”

Top Republicans, though, portray both measures as unnecessary and say they represent an effort by

By: Carl Hulse
Title: Republicans Block a Second Voting Rights Bill in the Senate
Sourced From: www.nytimes.com/2021/11/03/us/politics/senate-republicans-voting-rights-act.html
Published Date: Wed, 03 Nov 2021 20:30:16 +0000

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