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11 Mugshots Of Politicians Who Were Arrested

american politics

It's rare to see a congressman grinning for the camera after being arrested — but that's exactly what Tom DeLay did in 2005. And he's not alone! From big smiles to angry scowls, these U.S. lawmakers have all had their mugshot taken.

#Politicians #Mugshots #Arrested

Donald Trump | 0:00
Rudy Giuliani | 1:09
Shawn Still | 2:01
Tom DeLay | 2:47
Rod Blagojevich | 3:56
John Edwards | 4:45
Rick Perry | 5:33
Eugene Debs | 6:26
Larry Craig | 7:32
Dan Rostenkowski | 8:22
Ted Stevens | 9:13

Voiceover By: Tim Bensch

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